42 members of the trans and non-binary communities sat down with British Vogue to share their stories and explain why, no matter what the current media narratives or political climate, they won't be erased.

Jamie Bruesehoff & Rebekah Bruesehoff spoke on Saturday, June 30 at the 2018 Youth Gathering of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America . http://www.elca.org/gathering

1.4 million transgender Americans #WontBeErased by the Trump administration - and their voices need to be heard.

This transgender girl has an important message. March 2, 2017
Jamie and Rebekah Bruesehoff. A Mom and her 10 year old Trans daughter speak at the Statewide Trans youth Rally in NJ. When our Trans youth are under attack, what do we do? Rise up- fight back.
Chhange's 37th Annual Colloquium - We are the Change: Our Voices Matter gathered 1,200 Middle and High School Students from across New Jersey. Rebekah Bruesehoff, Plenary Speaker. May 2019

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